Billion pesos offer for the Mazatlan convention center


Mazatlan, Sinaloa.- The sale of the convention center is not yet defined, said the Secretary of Economic Development, Tourism, and Fisheries of the City of Mazatlan, David González Torrentera. 
He added that the current owners (Figlosnte 27) received an offer for one billion pesos from a private company to sell them the convention center.

Image result for centro de convenciones mazatlan

But still nothing is defined because it has to be in council meeting when it is defined if they keep the property or sell it. Regarding how Mazatlan would affect its sale, the official said that if given, it would not hurt, because it is not about closing it, but selling it.


Meanwhile, the municipality is working on creating an expo and convention office, as requested by Mayor Luis Guillermo Benítez. He added that visitors to the convention center register a 2.5-night stay and a $ 800 per conventionist, being the segment that leaves the most money to Mazatlan. 

23% of the income for lodging is generated through this segment, therefore, work is being done to attract more tourism of this type. The municipality will coordinate with whoever is in charge of the convention center.

Support for

Torrentera insisted that it is a growing tourist segment in Mazatlan. He explained that they seek access to the 3 percent trust funds room tax to bring more convention tourism to this beach destination.


The Secretary of Economic Development, Tourism and Fishing of the City of Mazatlan reiterated that the convention office that will open will not work only for the MIC (Mazatlan International Center), it will also do it for the Mazatlan hotels. He added that there are important establishments that have the capacity to receive groups of conventionists. In addition, they have all the services and this is good for Mazatlan.

Source: El Debate

The Mazatlan Post