Group of American and Canadian tourist assitant volunteers recognized by Mazatlan


This group of 12 were recognized by Mazatlan officials.

The award ceremony was given to 12 volunteers from “Mazatlan Tourist Assistants”, better known as “Camisas Azules” Blue Shirts for their 9 years of altruistic work, in which they voluntarily welcome and guide all the cruise passengers who arrive in Mazatlan. .

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In the award ceremony, the Secretary of Economic Development and Tourism in Mazatlan, David González Torrentera informed that the blue line will be sought to be included so as to reinforce the social work carried out by the “Blue Shirts”.

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González Torrentera commented that these activities carried out by the “Tourist Assistants of Mazatlan” favor Mazatlan

image, by giving these attentions to the cruise passengers, they will seek to return to this destination on more occasions.

Currently, the group of volunteers is made up of 100 people who receive tourists to advise them on activities they can do during their stay and suggest some of the tourist attractions that Mazatlan has to offer.

Who are the Blue Shirts?

The group’s primary goal is to help cruise ship tourists with limited time experience the city and find the things they’re interested in. Whether it’s strolling the town’s Centro Historico (with its beautiful restored turn-of-the-century buildings), a lazy afternoon at one of many beaches, enjoying fantastic seafood, or walking along the 12-mile oceanfront malecon (boardwalk), Mazatlán Tourist Aide volunteers provide detailed info – and lots of smiles – free of charge.

Mazatlán’s State Office of Tourism has produced special, easy-to-read “Follow the Blue Line” maps. The “blue line” refers to an actual line painted in the street from the cruise ship docks to the Plaza Machado, the historic and artistic center of Mazatlán, to help folks find their way. Volunteers in the plaza and along the way wear bright blue T-shirts printed with “Mazatlán Tourist Aide Volunteer.”

Currently there are five locations with two volunteers at each, with more volunteers walking in the most heavily traveled areas. Most are “second-homers” and live in Mazatlán 4-6 months a year, while others are year-round residents.

Mazatlán Tourist Aide Volunteers was created by Roger Culbertson, owner of Mazatlán Homes Real Estate, a 22 year resident of Mazatlan and Tom Reaney, owner of Mazatlán Connection Travel Agency. The group has no commercial interests and does not promote any commercial enterprises; its sole purpose is to keep tourists from getting lost, and direct them to what they want to do: shopping, dining, sightseeing and any other areas of interest.

Source: TVP, Mazatlan Tourist Aide

The Mazatlan Post