Peso-Dollar exchange Saturday, February 23


Mexico.- The price of the dollar in the markets for this Saturday, February 23 is 19.13 pesos on purchase and sale.

In exchange houses located at the Benito Juarez International Airport in Mexico City, the dollar is sold at a maximum of 19.59 pesos and acquired at a minimum of 17.80 pesos.

While in government banks, such as the Tax Administration Service (SAT), the price of the dollar is 20.70 for purchase and sale and in the Official Gazette of the Federation the exchange rate is 19.27 for both purchase and sale.

Also, in the Bank of Mexico the dollar is 19.12 for purchase and sale.

Banamex  buys at 18.60 and sale at 19.45

Santander  buys at 17.44 and sale at 19.83

HSBC Mexico  purchases at 18.78 and sale at 19.24

Scotiabank  purchases at 18.77 and sale at 19.51

BBVA Bancomer  buys at 17.71 and sale at 19.52

Banco Azteca  purchases at 17.90 and sale at 19.20

Inbursa  buys at 19.00 and sale at 19.55

Banorte  buys at 18.00 and sell at 19.40

The dollar in credit cards in Mexico

American Express  purchases at 18.70 and sale at 19.63

VISA  purchases at 18.72 and sale at 19.61

MasterCard  purchases at 18.71 and sale at 19.61

Source: linea directa

The Mazatlan Post