More than 856 thousand students return to classes in Sinaloa


100 thousand are from the municipalities of Mazatlan, Concordia and San Ignacio, said the Head of Regional Services of the Sepyc, María Kenya Camarena Aguilar.

Mazatlan, Sinaloa.- On Monday, January 7, 856,727 students of pre-school, primary and secondary education in Sinaloa are reintegrated into classes.

Of this figure, 100 thousand are from the municipalities of Mazatlan, Concordia and San Ignacio, said the Chief of Regional Services of the Sepyc, Maria Kenya Camarena Aguilar.

In a tour of some schools of the municipality, schools were detected, as in the Francisco González Bocanegra, which in addition to the cleaning work, the classroom facade was painted.

In others the classrooms and corridors were washed to make them ready for this day that children and young people return to classes.

But, there are still schools that are in complete abandonment, because although they leave the educational centers clean the vandals are introduced to take and some neighbors deposit waste there as if they were garbage dumps.

In the municipalities of Mazatlán, Concordia and San Ignacio, there are 642 educational centers distributed in the urban and rural areas.

In these spaces studied 100 thousand students attended by 5 thousand 114 teachers in the region abounded the directive.

The students and teachers enjoyed a two-week vacation period, they left on December 20 and they return to the classrooms on January 7, 2019.