Emergency declared in 12 municipalities of Chihuahua by snowfall

From the Declaration, the authorities will have resources to meet the food, shelter and health needs of the affected population.

Resultado de imagen para Declaran emergencia en 12 municipios de Chihuahua por nevadas

The National Coordination of Civil Protection , issued an emergency declaration for 12 municipalities of Chihuahua for the severe snowfall registered on December 29 and 30, 2018.

Imagen relacionada

The municipalities in which the declaration of Emergency was issued are Ahumada, Ascensión, Buenaventura, Gómez Farías, Guerrero, Ignacio Zaragoza, Janos, Juárez, Madera, Matachí, Nuevo Casas Grandes and Ocampo of the state of Chihuahua.

Resultado de imagen para Declaran emergencia en 12 municipios de Chihuahua por nevadas

With this action, the resources of the Fund for the Attention of Emergencies(FONDEN) are activated.

From this Declaration, requested by the state government, the authorities will have resources to meet the food, shelter and health needs of the affected population.

Source: MVS Noticias

The Mazatlan Post