Sanctions for owners of vacant lots in Mazatlan

Mazatlan, Sinaloa.- The coordinator of the Town Planning, Ecology and Public Works Committee, Adalberto Valle Pérez, in the ordinary session of Cabildo number two, asked the mayor urgently to apply the regulations and sanctions to the owners of the lots encased in Mazatlan.

The councilman said that it is necessary to make a territorial census because at present all those vacant lots have become a source of infection, in “nests” of survivors, which results in a safety problem for pedestrians.

“Make a territorial census to know the name and address of each owner, and notify them by means of the regulation, since in the vacant lots in its entirety is an aggregate of rodents and malvivientes that endanger pedestrians,” he requested.

According to the Police and Good Government Branch, this lack merits a fine ranging from eleven to 50 minimum salaries, everything depends on the seriousness of the situation.

Archivo: Aplicarán multas a propietarios de lotes baldíos en Mazatlán

In this tenor, the coordinator of the Committee on Agriculture and Livestock, Felipe de Jesus Velarde Sandoval gave the municipal government a list of requests for trustees and commissioners, where they demand the maintenance of the roads.

“The petition of the syndics and curators of the rural area north and center to carry out the maintenance of the rural roads and dirt roads, as well as the cleaning of the weeds that are on the edges of the roads of the rural area of the municipality of Mazatlán, “he said.

In the session of Cabildo, the creation of the Transitory Commission for Land Tenure was also unanimously approved and even, the mayor Luis Guillermo Benítez committed to attend each one of the demands.

Source: Linea Directa

The Mazatlan Post