Swearing in of Luis Guillermo Benítez ( El Quimico ) as Mayor of Mazatlán

AMLO right-hand man sworn in as Mayor of Mazatlan 

Assistants sang It is an honor to be with Obrador !, as well as request a full investigation into the management of the Municipality

In extraordinary session number 35 of the Council of the City Council, with the proof of the majority that ratifies it, a protest was made to the Municipal President, Luis Guillermo Benítez Torres and the members of his council.

On behalf of the Governor of the State, Javier Lizárraga Mercado, Secretary of Economic Development in Sinaloa, was the outgoing President, José Joel Bouciéguez Lizárraga, took protest to the new town hall that is integrated in its majority by the party of the Movement of National Regeneration in the people José Manuel Jiménez, Paulina Castañeda, Rodolfo Cardona, Santa del Carmen Tirado, Jesús Lizárraga, Guadalupe Ríos, Adalberto Valle; as well as to María Teresa Núñez, Ricardo Michel Luna, María Isabel González, Felipe de Jesús Velarde and Guadalupe Aguilar.

The period that begins starts from this November 1, 2018 to October 31, 2021.

Source: SEL

The Mazatlan Post