They ask tour guides not to participate in prostitution business


Mexico faces the scourge of child prostitution, but even if it is the paradise that sells the most, you are not part of this business, Martin Vallejo, national president of Tourist Guides, asked local partners.

When launching the Diploma of Training and Updating of Tourist Guides, he stressed that they should bear in mind that as tour guides they are ambassadors of their port, state, and country and should not be part of prostitution.

Be kind, respectful and be very well informed to give the best service to tourism.

He invited them to learn Mandarin Chinese because with the next government will come tourism from this country.


The president of the Association of Tour Guides Rafael Buelna, Melecio Omar Quintero, asked the government to regulate this activity, as there is a group of “pirate” guides that provide service but are not certified or have basic knowledge, and this could scare away the tourist who arrives at this beach destination. 

He added that this sector does invest in being constantly updated to give the attention required by national and international tourism.

Currently, they have 50 units in good condition and certified tourist guides to show and tell everything that you have in the port of Mazatlan, its towns, the whole municipality, the state, and the country, because the visitor wants to know everything.

In this framework, the support received by the sector from some tourism entrepreneurs in the restaurant area, who are sponsors in this training of the guides, was recognized.


The tourist guides highlight that they contribute to the tourist promotion that is made for the port of Mazatlan. They insist on inviting the local and state authority to force the guides to be certified, as it is important to be up to date.

By: Blanca Regalado

The Mazatlan Post