Mazatlan will be City Headquarters in 2019 of the City Nature Challenge



Welcome the global challenge of urban nature, – City Nature Challenge, 2019

At last, it is official, Mazatlan will be City Headquarters in 2019 of the City Nature Challenge, organized globally by the California Academy of Sciences (CAS) and by the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County ( NHM).

In this edition, more than 100 cities around the world will be participating, including Mazatlan. The challenge is to go out to the streets of our municipality and photograph all the nature that surrounds us, this includes plants, animals, fungi, bacteria … everything is welcome. Once this is done, we will use the NaturaLista platform to upload the observations and make the relevant identifications and counts.

Winners will be selected in three categories: 
– The largest number of observations 
– The largest number of observers 
– The largest number of species

In Paco’s Flora and Fauna Reserve we will take care of the organization of this event in the city. Although it is a friendly competition, the main objective is that we know what is in our municipality and share it with the world.

Who are welcome? Everyone! The only thing that is required is to have a love for our Mazatlan and for nature, to have a cell phone or a camera (of any kind) and to attend the workshops that we will be organizing. 
Can groups, NGOs, schools or other organizations participate? Of course, in fact, they are more than welcome because we require an effort from the whole society. 
Will there be any cost to participate? No, it is a free event and open to the public.

If you have more questions or suggestions, please contact us directly on our page or by email: