The Mexican Film Festival 2018 will arrive in the cinemas of Cinépolis and Cinemex. From September 7 to 13, all national film screenings will cost 20 pesos.
Two types of care of Ismael Rodríguez, Arrancame the life of Roberto Schneider, The place without limits of Arturo Ripstein or Dream in another language of Ernesto Contreras are just some of the titles that will be part of the Mexican Film Festival .
They will reach all screens thanks to an alliance between the Mexican Institute of Cinematography (Imcine), the National Chamber of the Cinematographic Industry (Canacine) and the Ministry of Culture, and of course, the main exhibitors, Cinemex and Cinépolis will participate.
From September 7 to 13, 17 productions will be shown throughout the country thanks to the support of film distributors , who were the ones who suggested the programming.
You will see the comedies We will see Pitipol Ibarra, More knows the devil for old José Bojórquez, Valentina’s wedding Marco Polo Constandse, Do it as a man Nicolás López, When the children return from Hugo Lara , I wanted to find you Javier Colinas and I promise not to fall in love with Alejandro Sugich.
The dramas will be added the day of the union of Kuno Becker, Red Dawn of Jorge Fons , as well as the wild region of Amat Escalante .
In the field of animation, the legend of the black charro by Alberto Chino Rodríguez will be programmed, the horror film The inhabitant of Guillermo Amoedo and the documentary Hasta los dientes by Alberto Arnaut.
The Cinépolis and Cinemex theaters will schedule the films corresponding to the last year of Mexican film production (2017-2018). Meanwhile, at the Cineteca the classics will be.