There is a shortage of more than 62 thousand homes in Sinaloa


Of these, 25 thousand correspond to Culiacán, 10 thousand to Mazatlan and the same number to Ahome. The challenge with the new Housing Law is to reduce the problem more efficiently.

With the enactment of the new Housing Law, there will be greater capacity to access federal resources and bring down the backlog of decent homes in the state at a faster rate, reaching more than 62,000 units, of which 25,000 correspond to Culiacán, 10 thousand from Mazatlan and another 10 thousand from Ahome.

The head of the Housing Institute of the State of Sinaloa (INVIES) , Salvador Reynosa Garzón, affirms that the dependency that he currently directs ceases to exist as contemplated by the recently enacted Law, to give space to the Housing Commission of the State of Sinaloa.

Reynosa Garzón indicated that the change will allow the new Commission to more easily access federal government resources through Sedatu, Fonapo, and Conavi. The official denied that it is only a change of name, but that the life of the Invies is terminated, which in 35 years of operation had its relevance, but no longer goes hand in hand with the current housing schemes that operate federal level.

“It is a new scheme to face the challenges of great destitution of housing that exists in Sinaloa. It seeks to rescue the confidence of the Sinaloans for an organization such as Invies. Also, face the challenges of low productivity that had occurred in recent years, “said Reynosa Garzón.

The official indicated that while throughout the six years of the previous state government (2011-2016) only 200 housing actions were carried out. During 2017 these reached the figure of 1,500, but he said, it was very difficult to access federal resources, and only one bag of 80 million pesos could be executed, with a mix of federal, state and municipal capital.

Reynosa Garzón affirms that it could be in January when the Housing Commission of the State of Sinaloa enters operations – in which he would be at the forefront – there will be greater capacity to manage housing, adding that if in 2017 they were able to apply 1,500 housing shares, With the new scheme, they commit to reaching 3 thousand to 4 thousand units.

The still holder of the Invies explained that the Commission will allow having alliances with Canadevi , in order to associate with developers so that they execute the works. He described the above as an opportunity to have more response capacity and be a driving force, both with developers and landowners.

Reynosa Garzón said they have identified large sectors with housing needs, which are already in the patterns of the Invies, an organization that said, despite being close to disappearing, maintains all the commitments it has acquired. He also clarified all the current assets of the Invies pass to the Commission, including the leases of the current offices of Mazatlan, which will continue to be where the Invies currently operates, along Avenida Rafael Buelna.

In the case of Mazatlán, there is a backlog of 10 thousand housing shares that are made up of people of different profiles:

“Displaced people, police who are not generating savings on housing or non-salaried families such as taxi drivers, the hospitality sector, handicrafts, self-production sectors. All have the right and have come to request and are part of the pattern, that pattern will be maintained, but it is the obligation of the commission that will have to be public, to guarantee transparency “.

Currently, the Invies will enter into a liquidation process on behalf of the staff , while some will remain in their positions. Reynosa Garzón indicated that they have made progress in reviewing the collection backlog, reviewing assets to have regularization conditions and know what the Institute has as equity. The executive said that the new body will respect the rights of workers who remain in their position.

The official indicated that in 2017 faced challenges of judicialization, several bank accounts seized and seizure of real estate, and stated that they currently have extrajudicial agreements on commitments that the Housing Institute of the State of Sinaloa (INVIES) did not meet in the period from 2011 to 2016 .

He indicated that the new Housing Law obliges the Commission to defend the patrimony, establishes the prohibition of the sale of the patrimony of the Commission to areas or purposes that are not specific to housing solutions, as well as to transparent the lists of families benefited with subsidies. federal, municipal or state, in public documents that may be open to scrutiny by society.

By: Orlando Samaniego