Mexico sends second team of forest fighters to Canada


To increase its capacity to respond to forest fires in Canada, the Canadian Interagency Forest Fire Centre (CIFFC) requested 102 more Mexican fighters, adding 207 elements from Mexico to those assigned to support Canada. The new group consists of two technicians for the management, combat, and suppression of forest fires and 5 brigades, with 20 fighters each.

This team is added to the 459 elements that fight 136 active fires in Ontario, of which 105 belong to the first group sent by Mexico last Friday.

Among the firefighters sent from Mexico is Consuelo Díaz from the state of Morelos, she is the first Mexican female firefighter to ever be sent internationally to support another country.

“I hope this is the beginning of a new stage. I speak for all women combatants, we want them to see us as equals and capable of doing the same jobs, ” said Consuelo.

The Fire Management Manager of the National Forestry Commission (CONAFOR), Alfredo Nolasco Morales, considered that this is an opportunity to reach international standards also on gender equality through a selection of combatants based on merit and not on gender.

He assured that anyone who prepares as a Type One fighter: physical fitness, travel documents, training, field experience, handling of the Global Positioning System (GPS) chainsaw, Mark 3 motor pump, and deployment of hoses, will have the opportunity to belong to the international brigades.
