Meet the project that seeks to change the face of the mountain communities of this southern Sinaloa municipality, stigmatized by marginalization and insecurity
The introduction of coffee cultivation to the mountains of southern Sinaloa is a productive project that has come as a hope for the families of the municipality of Concordia, who for a year have suffered intensely the effects of marginalization and insecurity.
It will be precisely in some of the most affected communities, such as Chirimoyos and La Petaca, where in the coming months a pilot plan will be launched in an area of between 50 and 80 hectares, in search of producing special coffees for the export market.
Invited by the Development Council of Sinaloa south zone, the specialist Enrique López Aguilar gave the seminar “Sustainable Cafeticulture, climate change and specialty coffees” to potential producers and local officials.