Developments in Mazatlán exceeded its services; CASSAC calls for greater openness to achieve an order


Organized architects announce activities to celebrate 35 years of the foundation of the school; The mayor assures that there open and that their proposals will be taken into account

Mazatlán, Sinaloa.- Mazatlán has been surpassed by the urban growth that it has today, without the necessary infrastructure keep the pace, considered the president of the College of Architects of the South of Sinaloa, Anselmo Guzmán Lizárraga, who said that despite this in the municipality, from 6 years to date, the regulatory body of the municipality, the IMPLAM, works behind closed doors, without taking into account professionals construction such as engineers or architects, the same as the INAH, which must intervene in the historical part of the city.

Leading a press conference in which he announced the activities that this school will carry out within the framework of the 35th anniversary of its foundation, to be held on May 3, the CASSAC leader ordered the municipal authority to verify compliance of the mitigation works that developers must carry out along with new projects, in order to prevent problems such as those that are occurring in various parts of the city, mainly in terms of water and drainage.

“We have really struggled to be collaborators with the government institution, with IMPLAM, with INAH. Sometimes they are somewhat closed institutions to work with, but they don’t share much about what they are doing until they already have the programs, or the work finished. They have not taken us much into account. Yes, we have insisted to be coadjutant bodies with all these institutions, unfortunately the opening has not been given as it should be”.

When asked about the development of vertical housing or in towers that is also reaching the popular neighborhoods, he said that it is the trend of the cities, in order to take advantage of the available space and that it also increases the surplus value of the surrounding properties, but he insisted, it must always be promoted with order and under the regulation of land use.

“In each project, the developer is requested to carry out mitigation works that contain drinking water and drainage, since, in terms of roads, this infrastructure has to be done by the municipal government.”

Regarding the activities to be carried out, the members of CASSAC mentioned that from March 10 to May 5 there will be conferences, seminars, sports, and cultural activities, some of which are open to architecture students and the public who are interested in the topic of construction and development of the city.

Questioned about the request for greater opening, for professional associations, the president of Mazatlán, Édgar González Zataráin, affirmed that work is being done with professional associations such as the Construction Regulations that were recently updated, and affirmed that there will be more open in the following projects to be carried out.

“Let’s open up. The calls that we are going to have will be public, so that schools can participate. It’s good that they want to help us.”

Source: Linea Directa