Only 29% of the Economically Active Population (PEA) has the right to rest.
Within the benefits established by the Federal Labor Law, the right to vacation is stipulated.
The reform that proposes to extend the vacation period in Mexico will benefit 17 million workers, highlighted the Mexican Association of Human Capital Companies ( AMECH ).
And it is that, he said, according to official data, although there are 25 million employees in the formal sector, only 21 million are registered with the Mexican Institute of Social Security, and of them, only 17 million have the right to vacations.
Héctor Márquez Pitol, president of said organization, explained that this is equivalent to only 29% of the Economically Active Population ( PEA ) that has the right to rest.
The leader of the AMECH presented a proposal on the subject in the framework of the Open Parliament in the Senate of the Republic.
In it, it is proposed to extend the vacation period in Mexico, which should consider 12 days (two weeks a year); of which 6 days could be taken once the employee completes six months working, as a minimum period of consecutive vacation days.
“This proposal is based on allowing that with this staggered form there is no impact on productivity or rotation issues and includes people in temporary jobs and those who do not manage to reach one year,” he stressed.
In fact, he pointed out, according to an AMECH analysis of the Mexican labor scene, there are around 1 million workers who do not complete a full year in the same workplace.
“There are 25 million formal workers, of the 59 million that make up the Economically Active Population (PEA); of these formal workers, only 21 million are registered with the Mexican Social Security Institute,” he reiterated.
Mexico’s Federal Labor Law establishes the vacation period of 6 working days proportional to the first year of activities.
Vacations are the period of rest that all workers expect each year, it is the way to achieve a break in the work routine and promote family life.
Determining how much vacation time corresponds for the first year worked or how many vacation days a worker is entitled to by law are some of the most frequently asked questions that workers usually ask.
Next, we will explain how vacation days are established.
Article 76 of the Federal Labor Law clearly indicates how vacations at work are granted.
In accordance with the Federal Labor Law. – Workers who have more than one year of service will enjoy an annual paid vacation period, which in no case may be less than six working days, and which will increase by two working days, up to twelve, for each subsequent year of employment. services.
After the fourth year, the vacation period will increase by two days for every five days of service.

In addition, there are 3 million temporary workers in the country, who have part-time contracts in months.
“Under these conditions, only 17 million have the right to vacations. This is equivalent to only 29% of the PEA has the right to a vacation.”
For the benefits and labor rights to be a reality accessible to workers, it is important that they be hired in formal jobs, suggest alternatives that combat informality and evasion. There are currently 3 million employers, but only 1 million pay social security,” explained Márquez Pitol
As a result of the pandemic and according to ManpowerGroup’s “The Great Realization” study, 36% of employees expect to have more vacation days.
This situation generated a trend guided by the need for workers to prioritize well-being and rest time.
“Mexico, in contrast to other countries, only grants one week when the average of vacation periods is 4 and 5 for the first year of work.”
The value of rest and time for the family, also now in the post-pandemic is totally different, today there is even a trend where several countries are reducing the working day this year instead of being 5 days, to 4 “, he commented.