Over 1,000 cases of Tuberculosis have been confirmed in Sinaloa


Young people between the ages of 20 and 24 are the ones who most suffer from this bacterial disease.

Sinaloa.- This March 24 marks World Tuberculosis Day, a bacterial disease that frequently affects the lungs and can be acquired by anyone regardless of age.

Within the framework of this day, health sector authorities seek to raise awareness among citizens and promote self-care, since the consequences of this disease are devastating not in health, but also in social and economic matters.

Juan Carlos Navarro Guerrero, Deputy Director of Health Promotion and epidemiologist, pointed out that the tuberculosis bacillus barely has a size smaller than 5 microns, contributing to its being suspended in the air for several minutes, so its transmission is in the immediate area, he added that the most economical diagnosis is the analysis of expectoration.

“The clinical picture is characterized by presenting a dry or productive cough, expectoration with blood, afternoon or night fever, sweating, and unintentional weight loss. The fastest and cheapest diagnostic method is the phlegm analysis called BAAR. One of the biggest concerns in the field of health is drug resistance, where more and more patients have these characteristics and require much more specific drugs in order to achieve a total cure”, he commented.

According to information provided by the Secretary of Health, in Sinaloa, 1,084 cases of Tuberculosis have been confirmed, with the highest rate of contagion in young people between 20 and 24 years old, followed by adults over 65 years old and people between 25 and 30 years old.

The technical report details that, in 2020, 1,200 tuberculosis infections were confirmed in the entity, while in 2021 the figure rose to 1,363.

Of the total number of cases, 770 belong to men and 314 to women.

Currently, there are 471 patients under treatment who are treated in various medical institutions of the entity, however, it is the Ministry of Health and the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS), who attend the most cases.

Source: elsoldemazatlan.com.mx

The Mazatlan Post