How to file a complaint if a tip is added to your restaurant bill in Mexico


“A tip is an economic reward that is granted, in general, in gratitude for the good service received and for the product consumed”

In Mexico, tipping is not mandatory, but it can help improve the life of a group of the population whose salaries are not necessarily high. For this reason, every time you go to an establishment you should consider leaving a tip, especially after good service.

Tipping in a restaurant or bar, among other establishments, is voluntary; cannot be included in the account without the consent of the consumer

Points to consider when leaving a tip

Remember that tipping is up to the diners, however, consider that most people who work as waiters do not receive a high salary or, failing that, tips are part of all their income, which makes this position vital for their labors.

They can't force you to leave a tip

However, if you receive poor service from the waiter, you can file your complaint with the person in charge of the store and with Profeco, since article 349 of the Federal Labor Law indicates that workers are obliged to serve with care and courtesy. to the clientele of the establishment. Therefore, if you consider it, it is your right to refrain from tipping.

Here are some recommendations on how much to give and where.


The “correct” thing is to give between 5 and 20 percent of total consumption, that is, for every one hundred pesos, between five and 20 pesos.


For people who perform the room cleaning service, it is recommended to leave at least fifteen pesos per day of stay.

Valet Parking

Leave between 10 and 15 pesos, although we recommend you check before everything is going well with your car.

Janitor/Maintenance Services

Give him between 50 and 100 pesos, we recommend it according to the type of work he has done for you.


To the person who carries your bags and takes you to your room in a hotel, you should give at least 50 pesos.

In general, you are not required to tip for service in Mexico for any reason. If they demand it or you realize that they are abusing it and they charge it to your account, you can file a complaint with Profeco.

Restaurants are required to clearly display prices, including taxes; deliver the proof of purchase at the time of consumption; receive and provide its services to all people without discrimination.

It is important to note that restaurants cannot require a tip, this is a voluntary gratuity and cannot be included in the bill without the consent of the consumer. Similarly, they cannot request minimum consumption. Please review the account in detail.

What does the Federal Labor Law in Mexico say about tips?

There are articles of the Federal Labor and Consumer Protection Law ( PROFECO ) that establish that the prices of goods and services offered must be respected. The tip is not part of these concepts, so demanding it is totally outlawed and can be punished with a fine ranging from 500 to 2.1 million pesos, depending on the resistance of the establishment to compensate the damage to the customers. affected.

The PROFECO law (article 10 of) indicates that in the event that they require a tip integrated into the total amount of the bill, you must ask the waiter why there is a difference in the total. If they tell you that it is a tip and you do not agree with the imposition, ask to speak with the person in charge or manager of the place and explain that the tip is voluntary and they cannot force you to pay it.

If the person in charge continues with the same argument and alleges that it is company policy, tell him that you know very well that there is no tipping law in Mexico and that, as a consumer, it is you who determines whether or not the service deserves a gratuity. .

In Mexico City you can dial 5568 8722; for the interior of the Republic, dial 01800 4688722 between 9 a.m. and 7 p.m.

They also have an email: repep@profeco

As well as through the official social networks: on Twitter @AtencionProfeco and Facebook @ProfecoOficial.

You can visit their offices at Av. José Vasconcelos 208; Colonia Condesa, Cuauhtemoc, Mexico City.


Mexico Daily Post