Although not compared to previous editions, sales have rebounded by 50%
Mazatlán, Sinaloa. – The Mazatlán Chamber of Commerce maintains good sales expectations for the remainder of the Caribbean Series. Over the weekend they reached levels of 50%.
The president of the organization, Jesús Sandoval Gaxiola, said that, although the demand for services is a little lower, they expect to have good levels in the commerce and gastronomic sector for the rest of the week.
” In the commercial, hotel, and restaurant sectors, there has been a rebound in the influx, it has been practically 50% more than on any normal day and we hope that it will continue like this until next Sunday, ” he said.
He admitted that, although the sporting event has been different due to the restrictions of the Covid-19 pandemic, it has helped to reactivate the economy of Mazatlán
Sandoval Gaxiola commented that tourists who have arrived at the Caribbean festival, both national and foreign, do not only come to baseball, but also look for souvenirs, gastronomy, and get to know the city and the surroundings.
For its part, the demand for popular transport known as pneumonia has had a demand of just 40%, since few fans are at the destination due to the pandemic.
La Canaco maintains good sales expectations for the remainder of the Caribbean Series.
The leader of this type of transport, Mariano Ortega Vizcarra, confirmed that the services are 40% below those that have usually been provided on other occasions when the port has hosted this fair baseball.