AMLO acknowledges that crime in Sinaloa has dropped considerably


Sinaloa is at number 16 in the homicide rate and according to the population it represents 7.4 less than in the other states

The president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, acknowledged that in Sinaloa crime has dropped in recent years to a very significant degree.

“In Sinaloa, the prevailing insecurity situation has been improved, a situation that makes us very happy; much progress has been made, there is little crime in Sinaloa, it is something that has not happened for a long time,” he reiterated.

López Obrador said that Sinaloa is at number 16 in the homicide rate and according to the population it represents 7.4 less than in the other states.

“It is important to be able to say that a state like Sinaloa has these good results because Sinaloa is a state of working men, women and it is the breadbasket in the country, where basic food is produced and it is now in a good moment despite the pandemic and the authorities are doing a good job, “he acknowledged.

The national president praised the actions of the state and municipal authorities because they are fulfilling their work, their responsibility.

“In the case of Sinaloa, municipal governments, the state government, and the federal government are acting jointly, and there are many and there are many actions for the benefit of the people and the people of Sinaloa will continue to have support from the federal government,” he said.


The Mazatlan Post