Typical food of the State of Mexico that you have to try


These Mexican dishes keep pre-Hispanic roots and you can taste them in various municipalities of the State of Mexico.

In its streets and premises, the State of Mexico keeps a history and a great gastronomic variety that offers unique flavors to this beautiful state. These dishes highlight the pre-Hispanic roots of the Mazahua, Otomí, Nahua, Matlazinca and Tlahuica cultures. Get to know them! 


It is characterized by the cooking of lamb or goat meat in maguey leaves in an earth oven. A technique of pre-Hispanic origin. This dish is popular in the center of the country and it is customary to eat with a corn tortilla in the form of tacos accompanied by onion, lemon, a spicy sauce and pulque. Texcoco and Capulhuac are two places where you will find the best. 

tacos_de_barbacoa_istock.jpg (Photo: itsock)


There are two types of mixiotes, but the most delicious is prepared in Amecameca. This delicacy is characterized by steaming different types of meat and sauces inside a leaf that comes from the membrane of the maguey leaf. In particular, it can be pork in green sauce with nopales and epazote or chicken with guajillo chili sauce with cloves, nopales, cumin and epazote.


It consists of a beef or lamb stomach broth that is seasoned with pasilla and chilaca chili sauce, as well as garlic and epazote. It is served with chopped onion, lemon oregano, and tortillas. You find this preparation in Naucalpan and Metepec.


For Mexicans, tacos are part of their identity and the best thing is that these can be anything: chorizo, jerky, steak or some other type of meat or chicken. Any taco, without a doubt, should be accompanied by cilantro, parsley, a well-made sauce or sliced ​​or whole green chilies.

In Edomex we recommend you visit the bishop tacos in Tenancingo, the cecina tacos in Tepetlixpa and the obligatory chorizo ​​tacos in Toluca.



At first glance, its corn husks do not attract so much attention, but the tamale as a treasure keeps a great wealth inside. They can be filled with endless foods such as mushrooms, grasshopper, totomoches, rajas, squash, capulín and many more.

We suggest you try the capulín tamales in Tlalmanalco, the mushroom ones in Ocuilán, Chalma and Malinalco, and the totomoches in Zumpango.


The pinole, one toasted corn flour mixed with brown sugar and cinnamon, is widely consumed in Metepec, Tenango of the Valley and Toluca is added mainly gruel.

A more refreshing option is garapiña, a fermented drink similar to tepache, but with a slightly more subtle flavor, and to the eye, it is usually lighter, as it is prepared with pineapple pulp and sugar.

Finally, pulque, the so-called drink of the gods that is obtained by fermenting the mead produced by the pulque maguey. In Jiquipilco there is an important fair dedicated to this drink.

pulque_beto_lanz.jpg (Photo: Beto Lanz)

Source: El Universal

Mexico Daily Post