San Miguel de Allende is committed to supplying water for the next 30 years


The municipal president will undertake the construction of the ‘Ignacio Allende’ aquifer, as well as the modernization and expansion of the ‘Fray Juan de San Miguel’ treatment plant

With the aim of ensuring that the water reaches all corners of the city of San Miguel de Allende, in Guanajuato, the municipal president, Luis Alberto Villarreal García, led an ambitious project that will consist of the construction of the ‘Ignacio Allende’ aquifer, as well as the modernization and expansion of the ‘Fray Juan de San Miguel’ treatment plant.

Government of San Miguel de Allende undertakes ambitious projects that will guarantee water supply for the next 30 years

This project has been considered a “miracle” since it will guarantee the distribution of the vital liquid for all the families of the entity for the next 30 years.

In the case of the ‘Ignacio Allende’ aquifer, this will be located in a section of the exit to Celaya and includes the construction of a ravine in the facilities of the Sports Unit, this with the intention of receiving the water from the neighboring wells and distributing it in the town.

While with the expansion and modernization of the ‘Fray Juan de San Miguel’ wastewater treatment plant, which is located in the San Miguel Viejo community, it is estimated that it cleans 150 liters per minute per day.

Both projects are led by the San Miguel de Allende Potable Water and Sewerage System (SAPASMA), for which an investment of about 400 million pesos is estimated.

Villarreal García affirmed that with the projects, San Miguel families will have “drinking liquid in quantity and quality.”

It is worth mentioning that last August the municipal president inaugurated the first reverse osmosis water treatment plant, located in the Puerto de Nieto community, for the benefit of more than 2,600 inhabitants of this and other areas.

And it is that previously the citizens of this demarcation did not have drinking water, so they could only use the vital liquid for domestic consumption.

With these actions, the Government of San Miguel de Allende seeks to face the different problems related to the water supply, at the same time that it allows generating jobs for the supervision and maintenance of these spaces.

SAPASMA - San Miguel de Allende


San Miguel Post