Aguascalientes couple accused of adopting puppies to feed their pet snakes


Aguascalientes, Mexico (September 24, 2020).- A couple was accused of allegedly adopting dogs to feed their pet snakes. The couple was denounced on social networks with the aim of preventing the disappearance of more animals.

Kevin Peralta and Aleh Ortlsaias are a couple from Aguascalientes and they have a snake farm in the state, both have been denounced several times on social networks for unusual behavior involving puppies.

Social media users have shared that the couple has adopted dogs on different occasions and when they get them, they block the contact to stop providing information about the adaptation process of the puppy.

Internet users assure that the couple always asks for females and that on several occasions, when inquired about the puppy, they have excused themselves arguing that they did not have enough money to feed them and had to give them away on the street, or that they were run over by a car, or simply out of shame they stopped responding the messages on Facebook or Whatsapp.

This man was found dead in Church Crookham, England, on August 25, 2017 next to his python pet snake. (Photo: The Guardian)

The user Karen Márquez, who issued a complaint on social networks, blamed Kevin Peralta for the disappearance of more than eleven puppies, which he adopted within a period of 4 months. The young woman made a public complaint that forced the man to come forward to supposedly offer an explanation.

“He said that he couldn’t take care of them and that he gave them up for adoption. At first I wanted to believe him, so I gave him the opportunity that day to give some evidence and he sent me photos of other stray dogs assuring they were them. They clearly weren’t, ” the girl wrote.


The Mazatlan Post