Cuernavaca’s Teopanzolco archaeological site to reopen with a piano recital

Cuernavaca, Morelos.- The general director of the Teopanzolco Cultural Center, Hugo Juárez Ríos, reported that tomorrow, Friday, July 17, activities restarted with a piano recital by the Morelos teacher Pablo Suaste, who will present a program celebrating the anniversary of the birth by Ludwig Van Beethoven.

Juárez Ríos assured that it is an honor to start with a local artist and detailed that it will be carried out in strict adherence to decree 5835 published on June 12, 2020 in the Official Newspaper “Tierra y Libertad”, which indicates the agreement establishing the specific technical guidelines for the reopening of activities.

Teopanzolco es una zona arqueologica centro ceremonial tlahuica dentro de la ciudad de Cuernavaca cuyo nombre significa en nahuatl templo viejo Teopanzolco es contemporaneo de los aztecas de ahí la similitud de sus edificios con el templo mayor de Tenochtitlan El lugar era conocido como El Mogote donde fue emplazado un cañon durante la revolucion las vibraciones de las descargas provocaron desprendimientos de tierra dejando al descubierto parte de la estructura que hoy se observa Las exploraciones sacaron a la luz estructuras piramidales sobrepuestas dejando los arqueologos la inusual vision de dos estructuras como un corte en el tiempo Consta de 14 monumentos dos de ellos circulares el edificio mas importante es el dedicado a Tlaloc Huitzilopochtli

Access will be free, maximum two people per family and registration is requested by sending a private message on the CCT Facebook page.

He indicated that for this restart the Main Room and common areas have already been fully disinfected and as indicated by the sanitary authority for the orange traffic light, the capacity will be a maximum of 25 percent of capacity, in order to avoid crowds.

Both entry and exit will be in order and in accordance with the healthy distance, 1.5 meters between people; the seats inside the room will also be arranged with this criterion, said Hugo Juárez.


They ask the public to attend with face masks, go through the sanitizing mats and allow the temperature to be taken.

This Friday, July 17. The Teopanzolco Cultural Center will offer a piano recital by the Morelos teacher Pablo Suaste.


The Mazatlan Post