Hit squad ordered against El Chino Antrax for being a Gringo spy (video)


If you betray the bosses you pay with death, it was what happened to Rodrigo, even one of the Chapitos slapped him, the gringos sent Chino Anthrax with a GPS

What is said about the execution of the Chino Antrax was that after his escape the Sinaloa Cartel received him in Sinaloa with a big party,  Iván Archivaldo Guzmán Salazar one of the Chapitos sons of Chapo Guzmán open-handed slapped him at the party El Chino couldn’t do anything because he was the son of one of his employers.

Sources report that the slap was due to an alleged treason that El Chino wanted to do to the Zambada family, supposedly they realized that the Gringos sent him with a GPS to locate and arrest their employers, more precisely MAYO ZAMBADA himself, in that moment they did nothing to him but his death had already been ordered.

A commando of hitmen from the Sinaloa Cartel went to the place where he was staying in Culiacan Sinaloa, his sister’s house, El Chino Antrax fought until the end, apparently, because of what people are saying and how the home was left at dawn, the hitmen of the Los Chapitos and El Mayo were trying to get him out, but in the end, they achieved their mission, they kidnapped not only  Rodrigo Aréchiga Gamboa, El Chino Anthrax but also his sister Ada and his brother-in-law and executed them.

It would not be the first time that there have been treasons and deaths within the Sinaloa Cartel, it is said that MAYO ZAMBADA himself delivered and ordered the killing of  Manuel Torres Félix, “El Ondeado” and Sergeant Phoenix.

José Rodrigo Aréchiga Gamboa, better known as ‘El Chino Antrax’, escaped just earlier this month from his house arrest in San Diego, California, and was found murdered at age 36 on Saturday, May 16.

The drug trafficker became the head of the plaza and the head of hired assassins at the service of the Sinaloa Cartel in northern states of the country such as Sinaloa, Sonora, Chihuahua, Durango, and Nuevo León. Joaquín ‘El Chapo’ Guzmán and ‘El Mayo’ Zambada were his bosses and allies.

Source: blog-del-narco.com.mx

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