Nearly 2,000 crew members on 4 ships dock at Puerto Vallarta on humanitarian grounds


Jalisco, Mexico (April 1st, 2020) — Nearly 2,000 crew members remain on four cruise ships after they were given permission to dock at Puerto Vallarta.

The four cruise ships, Oosterdam, Westeram, Eurodam and Norwegian Joy, were granted permission to dock by the government of Mexico on humanitarian grounds after borders closed. The docked ships contain only crew, no tourists, and will remain on board for the duration of the contingency.

The ships will continue to be hosted by the Puerto Vallarta Captaincy after the cancellation of global cruise operations due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Although they have permission to remain in port during the pandemic, they do not have permission to disembark from their ships, even though there are no suspected cases of SARS-CoV-2 among them.

The local Secretary of Health reported that none of the crew will descend from the ships, so there is no need to carry out a review.

Source: RMN

The Mazatlan Post