Hotels at 80% and 1.3 billion in gains expected for Baja California Sur Spring Break season


The official commented that this year the number of tourists that Baja California Sur had in 2019 for Easter could be exceeded

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The head of the Ministry of Tourism, Economy and Sustainability (Setues), Luis Araiza López commented that for Easter and hotel occupancy of 80% in Baja California Sur is estimated, mainly from tourists from the United States and Canada, which could leave an economic spill 1.3 billion pesos.

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“On average last year, at Easter it was above 70%, we expect it to be 80% this season. This year we expect a spill of around 1.3 billion pesos, last year it was close to 1.2 billion pesos, “emphasized the official.

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In this sense, he said that the first to arrive in Baja California Sur by the Spring Break are visitors from the United States and that later those from other countries arrive, so it is expected that the economic spill will be even more than last year. .

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“Look, the Spring Break that is already right now comes mainly from the United States and Canada, on the days that we nationals frequent, since they come mainly within the country, on Holy days they pick up with nationals,” explained Luis Araiza .

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The head of Tourism said that Baja California Sur is currently receiving about 19,000 students, prior to the Easter holidays, so an 80% occupancy is expected this season, he reiterated.

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“Indeed, the Sprink Break has already begun for the Americans, we are receiving nearly 19,000 students plus the people who will arrive on the days that the nationals frequent, it will be a great season, we expect hotel occupancy above 80% in the peaks high, then we are prepared, we are working on promoting so that tourism continues to favor us this season, ”said Araiza López.

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Finally, he added that the overall hotel occupancy of the previous year was 70%, so a little more than this percentage is expected for 2020.


The Mazatlan Post