The Riviera Nayarit is ready to welcome over 200 competitors for the fifteenth edition of the WesMex International Regatta, an event that attracts top sailors from Mexico and other countries. It is being hosted at Nuevo Vallarta’s Vallarta Yacht Club VYC from March 5-8, 2020.

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The regatta forms part of the Riviera Nayarit’s Nautical Season that formally began in January with the Vallarta Cup Race Series. It includes other important competitions such as the Banderas Bay International Regatta and the Baja Ha Ha / Sailor Splash.

The WesMex is organized by the VYC and endorsed by the Mexican Sailing Federation, the Optimist Class Association of Mexico (AMVCO), the Laser Class Association of Mexico, and the 420 Class Club. It’s also one of the four main regattas within the Mexican Sailing Circuit and a qualifier for the Mexican selection that will represent the country in international and world competitions—in the United States and Italy, respectively—for the Optimist and Laser fleets.

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The class of craft that will compete in the 2020 WesMex are: Optimist, Laser (radial), and the C420, along with an important convoy from the Navy Training Center.

According to Bart Goodell, director of the Junior Sailing Program, this year they are expecting about 200 sailors from countries like Guatemala, the United States, and Mexico, all set to flood the bay with color and passion.

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To follow the regattas: The regattas take place across from the Paradise Village hotel in Nuevo Vallarta; the boats will be visible from the beach.
The competition results will be published daily at http://www.wesmexregatta.org and  https://www.facebook.com/WesmexRegatta.org.

Every day between 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m., just before the boats leave to compete, competitors and attendees will meet up near the Vallarta Yacht Club for a fun get-together.

Source: vallartadaily.com

The Mazatlan Post