It is the third language on the Internet; Spanish takes hold as the world’s second language, behind Chinese


These are data from the Instituto Cervantes in Madrid. According to its annual report, 7.6% of the world’s population is now Spanish-speaking.     

Resultado de imagen para you make fun of me because i speak with an accent

Spanish is the second most spoken mother tongue in the world, behind Mandarin Chinese, and the third most used on the Internet, according to data from the yearbook “Spanish in the world” , presented by the Instituto Cervantes in Madrid.

The number of Spanish speakers increased to 577 million (compared to 572.6 million last year), of which 480 million have Spanish as their mother tongue. The figure implies that 7.6 percent of the world’s population speaks the language of Cervantes

In addition, it is the most studied foreign language in the United States. Nearly 22 million people learn Spanish in 107 countries, said the director of the Cervantes Institute, Luis García Montero, and other authorities during the presentation of the study.

Spanish is thus disputed with French and Chinese the second place among the most studied languages ​​as a second language, behind English, and is perceived as “the most important language for the future” in the United Kingdom, according to the yearbook.

The 386-page study collects key data on Spanish in various scientific and economic sectors. They stand out, for example, those of the publishing house, where Spain appears as the third exporting country of books in the world behind the United Kingdom and the United States.

With regard to the Internet, it is the third most used language – behind English and Chinese – and the second in portals such as Wikipedia, Facebook, and Twitter. Mexico is among the ten countries with the highest number of users on the Internet.

The Cervantes Institute was created in 1991 to promote the teaching, study, and use of Spanish throughout the world. It has 87 centers distributed in 44 countries across five continents, as detailed on its website.

“Spanish in the world” is its main specialized publication and this year marks its twentieth anniversary since it was published in 1998. Since then it became a reference on Spanish-speaking demolinguistics for experts from around the world.


The Mazatlan Post