Guerrero peasants sign agreement to prohibit the sale of little girls


The minors were sold with the aim of marrying them and their value became higher when they had not reached menstruation

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For 200 years the sale of girls in the community of Juquila, belonging to the municipality of Metlatónoc, in Guerrero was standard practice

The local authorities signed an agreement to prohibit the sale of girls with the aim of marrying them, a tradition for years among the families of the community.

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It transpired that the minors were sold up to 200 thousand pesos, as long as they had not reached menstruation.

The authorities indicated that, if the residents do not comply with the agreement, they will incur a criminal offense, which can be sanctioned with a fine of up to 195 days of minimum wage.

Resultado de imagen para niñas de guerrero

It should be noted that the uses and customs of this municipality, one of the poorest in the country, located 10 hours from Mexico City, allowed women to be sold and priced according to their youth and beauty, under the support of the Second Constitutional Article on Freedom of Self-Determination of Indigenous Peoples.

Source: noticieros televisa

The Mazatlan Post