How much should you earn in Mexico to belong to the middle or upper class?


The OECD defines the middle class as people who receive income between 75% and 200% of the median national income.

While the size of Mexico’s middle class has remained relatively stable, it is much smaller than the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) average.

In the report “Under pressure: the reduction of the middle class”, the OECD reports that on average 61% of the population in the international organization is in this income group, while in Mexico it is 45%.

He notes that in most of the OECD countries, the middle class has been reduced because, for younger generations, it is increasingly difficult to reach the middle class, defined as income between 75% and 200% of income. medium national

But how much should be earned in Mexico to be able to belong to the middle class?

The OECD presented the calculator Do you belong to the middle class? where you must enter the country, the number of family members, and income (in national currency).

In Mexico, the average monthly income of a two-person household is 7,128 pesos, so if it has an income between 5,346 and 14,256 pesos, it belongs to the middle class (according to the institution’s methodology).

Having income equal to or greater than 14,257 pesos would place you in the class with the highest income in the country, to which 19% of the population belongs.

Here you can perform the exercise

Millennials, in trouble

In the report, the institution noted that while almost 70% of those born in the post-war generation (the Baby Boomers, 1942-1964) were part of the middle class when they were 20 years old, in Generation X (1965-1982) it dropped to 64%, and only 60% of the millennial generation (the Millennials, 1983-2002) belong to the middle class at present.

In the case of Mexico, the OECD reports that 48% of Baby Boomers were part of the middle class when they were 20 years old, 46% in Generation X, and 47% in Millennials, which shows that this income group has been maintained relatively stable.

The OECD study refers to the fact that the Mexican middle class is increasingly highly qualified, with almost 20% of workers with highly qualified average incomes occupying a job.

Source: Notimex, OECD, Forbes

Mexico Daily Post