Today is Family Day in Mexico, but the mother-father-children scheme is no longer the only one


Since 2005, in Mexico, Family Day is celebrated on the first Sunday of March. This celebration was established by decree of former President Vicente Fox, at the request of various business organizations and civil society, with the aim of promoting family unity.

However, 14 years after that decree, things have changed a lot and we can no longer visualize the family under the classic scheme: father, mother and children.

According to a classification developed by the Social Research Institute in 2016, in our country there are 11 different types of family, which are divided into 3 large groups and here we explain them:


It is the group of families composed of the father, the mother and the children, and in turn it is divided into 3 types: father and mother with small children; father and mother with children already young, and extended families, that is, those in which in addition to parents and children there is a member of another generation, for example, grandparents or grandchildren or perhaps even a nephew or cousin.

Together these three types of families represent exactly half of the households in Mexico.

Courtesy Association AMAI.


In this group go the families that “need” some of the traditional figures, such as dad, mom or children. Within this group there are 4 types: the families of single mothers; the families of young couples who have decided not to have children or postpone their birth for any reason; families formed by an adult couple whose children have already left home (also known as an empty nest).

There are also single-person families, that is, those households where there is only one person, and co-resident families, that is, those households where their members are friends without any blood relationship or relatives without grouping around a couple.

They represent forty-two percent of households in our country.


Here are located those families that have grown mainly since the new millennium, and are divided into 3 types: families of single parents, families of same-sex couples or same-sex couples, and reconstituted families, that is, families that are they form when one or both of the spouses have had previous relationships.

Emerging families are the least numerous group since they represent only seven percent of Mexican households. However, just his name refers to the number is growing more and more.

It should be noted that the National Institute of Statistics and Geography defines the family as “the field where individuals are born and developed, as well as the context in which the identity of people is constructed through the transmission and updating of patterns. of socialization “.

So no matter what group or what type your family is, the important thing is to enjoy this day close to your loved ones and remember that it is precisely in this space in which we develop and grow as human beings. Happy Family Day!


The Mazatlan Post