Mazatlan: Guamúchiles; the “miracle” fruit


In the market of Colonia Benito Juárez arrives a fruit that in addition to having a sweet to semi-bitter flavor, is curative, the famous guamúchil fruit.

According to Doña Teresa Martínez, alias the chacaloza, owner of a fruit stand, says that they are curative in cuts, stomach pains and diarrheal and even vaginal washes that turn women into young ladies.

“The guamúchiles have many properties used to clean wounds, deworming, diabetes, cancer, earache and even vaginal washes that make them ladies,” he explained.

The fruit begins to give as in November, he said, but begins to cut as in January and February.

The tree where the guamúchil is given is long and thorny so you have to use a can or long stick stuck to a bag for them to fall there.

If you want to try them or get treated or washed, look for them in the fruit stand of the chacaloza and there you will find them freshly cut.

Source: Sel

The Mazatlan Post