Deportation of Hondurans on the rise


TIJUANA, Baja California 

The Migratory Consular Observatory of Honduras (Conmigho) reported that 7,208 Hondurans who were part of the Central American migrant caravan were deported from the United States.
With this, the deportations increased to 57%, because last year there were 75 thousand 279 repatriations, and in 2017 they were 48 thousand 22, that is 27 thousand 257 more.
Conmigho recalled that Exodus was formed in San Pedro Sula, Honduras, on October 13, which was joined by thousands of people from El Salvador and Guatemala, mainly.
On November 11, the first part of the migrant caravan of the LGTB group arrived in Tijuana, which was housed in a private home in Playas de Tijuana, which motivated the neighbors to demand the immediate relocation of the Central Americans away from the area.

Despite the high statistics and dangers, Conmigho estimated that on average 200 Hondurans every day decide to leave their country to save themselves from violence and poverty, in addition to finding a job with which to improve their quality of life. 

Thus, the majority chooses to start its march to the United States or Mexico, where 44,760 Hondurans were repatriated, of whom 9,100 were minors. 

The statistics of Conmigo also indicate that 174 Hondurans were deported from Europe, among them, there were 67 infants.

By: Khennia Reyes, Source: Frontera.Info
The Mazatlan Post