Mexico: Woman arrested for not washing her husband’s clothes


A young woman was sent to jail at the request of her husband after she refused to wash clothes and disrespected him.

Dulce Requena Garcia, 21, was arrested in Tampico, Tamaulipas, last Saturday after she insulted and threatened her husband, Édgar Iván Pérez Alvarado, 26, who had just arrived from his working day as a trailero ( Truck Driver).

The husband argued before the judge that his spouse does not give him the attention he deserves since she spends all day lying in bed or watching television.

The woman insulted and threatened the relatives of Édgar, including her mother-in-law and sisters-in-law.

The husband said he only wanted to be arrested so that she could calm down in jail.

On the other hand, Requena García said that her husband is never in the house, since he works as a trailero, and accused him of deceiving her with another woman.

She remained for 12 hours in jail, as she did not have the amount of 400 pesos that was charged as a fine to recover her freedom.

Source: Rasnoticias, chihuahuanoticias

The Mazatlan Post