Insufficient trash collection trucks: Mayor


Faced with the inadequacy of the equipment with which the city has worked with rented units to provide the service in neighborhoods and subdivisions.

The collection trucks with which the municipal public services office works practically cannot cope with the service in neighborhoods and subdivisions of Mazatlan.

In some settlements, the problems of garbage accumulation due to the delay in the collection routes continue acknowledged Mayor Joel Bouciéguez, who pointed out that the growth of the city and the good levels of occupancy in the hotel sector lead to more waste generation.

The municipal president pointed out that given the inadequacy of the equipment available to the commune, it works with rented units, dump trucks that reinforce the garbage collection routes in the settlements where there are more problems.

He added that garbage collection is a primary need of the population and the municipal government is obliged to provide a good service, however, it will also seek to implement awareness campaigns so that citizens contribute to keeping the city clean.