Political campaigns close with a technical tie between Fernando Pucheta and Químico Benítez


In a survey carried out by Reacción Informativa, he pointed out that if today were the elections, the mayoral candidate of the ‘Todos por México’ coalition would be the winner in the municipality of Mazatlan.

Mazatlan, Sinaloa (Informational Reaction) .- A few days after the completion of the Electoral Process 2018, a citizen sample threw the victory again for the Mayor of Mazatlan of the candidate for the coalition ‘Todos por México’, Fernando Pucheta Sánchez with a 32.4% hundred of preferences in your favor.

The second exercise carried out by the Division of Informative Reaction Surveys showed that in the second position is Luis Guillermo ‘Químico’ Benítez Torres, candidate of the coalition ‘Juntos Haremos Historia’ (Morena, PT, PES), with 31.4 percent of the preferences, being only one-tenth of Pucheta; while a third place is the three times municipal president, Alejandro Higuera Osuna, by the coalition “Por Sinaloa al Frente” (PAN, PAS, MC and PRD) with 11.6 percent of the electorate in his favor.

Further back, it can be seen that the Independent candidate Francisco Cervantes reached 1.4 percent in the preference of the voters. Likewise, 8.0 percent of citizens still do not know who to vote for and 8.4 percent preferred to keep the secrecy of their suffrage.

The information also shows that 6.8 percent of the electorate is not going to vote, when in a first survey conducted last May contemplated the abstention of 21.4 percent.

It should be noted that the consultation was applied from June 18 to 22, 2018, where a sample of 500 people, where 266 are women and 234 men, were surveyed in different social strata of the municipality of Mazatlan, in order to know the inclination of the citizenship 7 days before the 2018 elections.

The methodology was face-to-face, where the age of the respondents ranges from 18 to 89 years of age.