Rocha Moya delivers road works in Mazatlán and gives the green light to the construction of storm drains


Continuing with the delivery of socially-oriented works that benefit the inhabitants of the port of Mazatlán, contributing to improving mobility, as well as commercial and tourist development, Governor Rubén Rocha Moya, accompanied by Mayor Estrella Palacios, Senator Enrique Inzunza and the Secretary of Public Works Raúl Montero, inaugurated the paving of Insurgentes Avenue and gave the go-ahead for the construction of the storm drain and pumping station on Camarón Sábalo Avenue, works that have a positive impact on the municipality, its inhabitants and the tourism they receive. All this with an investment of more than 146 million pesos.

The governor highlighted the importance of starting works throughout the state in this second part of his term, emphasizing that there is not a single municipality that is exempt from works. He also pointed out that Mazatlan has good works but will continue to develop towards the popular sectors as well. “The street is nice, good, they will not be bothered for years, this hydraulic concrete does not need maintenance. It is a work that is well finished. I cannot accept works that have defects, it is wide. We bothered the merchants, I apologize a thousand times, but I hope they recover, that they do very well with this work, that more people visit them,” said Rocha Moya.

He also highlighted the social programs that during his administration are carried out for the benefit of those who have less, and added that soon the program of the Secretary of Economy, “Sinaloa Late Fuerte” will be implemented in Mazatlán, through which economic support is given to micro, small and medium merchants, which has already benefited more than 45 thousand merchants, in several municipalities of the state. And the Legal Certainty program that has granted more than 30 thousand deeds.

Mayor Estrella Palacios thanked these works with a social meaning, pointing out that, “This work was possible thanks to the action and dedication of Dr. Rubén Rocha, who from the beginning has listened to the feelings of the people of Mazatlán, and has become for us a tireless manager before Dr. Claudia Sheinbaum. Here is the result of a government that listens, that works and that is for the people,” said the mayor.

For his part, Senator Enrique Inzunza specified, “In the Fourth Transformation, our movement seeks to expand rights for all, and this has to do with rights, with the right to mobility, with the right to education, not to mention the right to work. We are committed to a vision of a country that is built from the bottom up, by the people and for the people.”

For his part, Raúl Montero, Secretary of Public Works, explained that the paving of Insurgentes Avenue consisted of two stages, and consisted of paving with 20 cm thick hydraulic concrete, over a length of 1,631.23 meters that span from Gabriel Leyva Avenue to Mexico 68 Avenue.

1,735 linear meters of pipe for drinking water and 97 household connections were installed, 1,761 linear meters of sewer pipe and 61 manholes were also installed. In addition, 57 LED lights and 3 10 KVA substations for public lighting. All of this in an execution period of 11 months and an investment of $66,701,272.78 pesos.

Meanwhile, the construction of the storm drain and pumping station on Camarón Sábalo Avenue consists of the construction of 4 collectors based on rectangular reinforced concrete boxes and a side grid that will lead the rainwater to a central collector to a pumping station; said station will have 5 submersible pumps that will discharge the water to the sea with the help of a discharge manifold based on carbon steel pipe schedule 10 of 20” diameter. Likewise, electrical works will be carried out 1 substation, 1 transformer and 1 control panel. This with an investment of $78,595,999.62 pesos and is expected to be completed by the month of July.

This important work will come to reduce the old problem of flooding in the sector.

The events were attended by the Secretary of Tourism Mireya Sosa Osuna, Deputy Juan Carlos Patrón, Luis Octavio Huerta representing the beneficiaries, as well as residents and merchants from the area.

Source: eleconomista