Of every 10 homoparental couples that marry in Sinaloa, 7 are lesbian


The LGBTTTIQ+ activist, Vicky Ibarra, mentioned that after the pandemic, Mazatlán has become a favorite destination to get married within the community, both for locals and foreigners.

MAZATLAN. – Equal marriage in Sinaloa is gaining strength and little by little there are more couples swearing love for life, it has even turned Mazatlán into a destination for same-sex weddings for both Mexicans and foreigners.

Vicky Ibarra, an activist for LGBTTTIQ+ rights from the Sinaloa Diverso collective, mentioned that, although equal marriage was approved in 2021, it was not until 2022 that it took strength and of every 10 homoparental couples that get married, between 7 and 8 are female couples.

“In what we manage to see as collectives and/or activists is that women are the ones who formalize the most, who are going to the civil registries the most to give legality to their relationship, we calculate that of every 10 marriages that exist in Sinaloa 7 or 8 are from women and the rest from men”, she commented.

The activist pointed out that if five homoparental weddings are registered per month, at least four are of women, which speaks of the interest in legal certainty and the security they have for the right to housing, health, among other things.

“And it is something positive because it means that LGBT people in Sinaloa are accepting their right to form a family, a family that has all the support of the state with the rights and obligations. This figure protects the rights of each person, to health, to housing, to everything, without this figure, everything is up in the air”, she said.

The member of Sinaloa Diverso added that more than Sinaloans, there are many couples from the community from other states, especially from the center and south of the country who have visited Sinaloa just to get married, even from other countries like the United States and Canada.

According to the Sinaloa Civil Registry portal, the requirements are the same as for a heterosexual couple, that is, you will need the following:

-Birth certificate. If one of the persons is from another state and/or another country, she or he must bring with her a letter of non-marriage from the place of birth.


-Copies of the INE of four witnesses


-Prenuptial exams

About the costs. In the Civil Registry offices, the cost is 550 pesos, but if you want to take the judge to a specific place, then you must pay 5 thousand pesos, depending on the area and the date.

Source: Punto