The Mazatlan artist Guille Blancarte, with her work “I WONDER” (I wonder / I marvel), will be one of the 222 invited artists who will send her art on a mission to the Moon for the first time in history.
She was one of the winners of the CryptoArt for Impact and Innovation at Bitbasel that took place at the end of 2022 within Miami Art Week.
The LUNAPRISE MOON MUSEUM will be the first museum on the Moon. It is a time capsule made of indestructible material with information about humanity, which will include great artists of all time, Grammy winners, famous speeches, collectibles from great sports stars, works of art from the greatest artists of the history, film scripts, NFT collections and more.
First mission to the Moon since 1972.
Guille Blancarte’s work will be in the Museum on the Moon, it is a tribute to the sunsets of her hometown, Mazatlán, Mexico.
I Wonder” (I wonder/I marvel), “represents duality, cycles, beginnings and endings, sunrise and sunset; wonder about the future of the ocean, everything that has not yet been explored and at the same time marvel at the unique feeling that it causes me every time I have the privilege of enjoying this experience in which sometimes if you are lucky, you can get to see the green ray.”
It is my drop of water to try to raise awareness of the profound danger we face if we do not do something now to restore the balance of the ocean, I hope that future generations can enjoy the sea in all its splendor, as Sylvia Earl says without blue, there is no green.
Source: Paralelo23