Stronger than ever, this is how Coparmex foresees a TMEC in 2023


MAZATLÁN.- For the president of the Employers’ Confederation of the Mexican Republic in Mazatlán, Fernando Valadez Solano, Mexico is in its best opportunity and commercial moment with the strengthening of the Free Trade Agreement with the United States and Canada.

He mentioned that, at the end of this year, Mexico was placed above other first world countries in terms of exports with the United States, sending a message of continuity with the TMEC and better still strengthening it to remain leaders.

“We have to look for these alliances, they exist all over the world, in Asia, Africa, South America and the European economic community, the first one that understood that we had to be united… it is working”, he declared.

Valdez Solano pointed out that, without a doubt, the world went through two conflicts from which it still cannot fully emerge, the Covid-19 pandemic and the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, which affect all sectors, educational, social, industrial, economic and health.

To strengthen the TMEC, the president of Coparmex in Mazatlán expressed that there are two issues that need to be resolved in 2023 if what they seek is to be a world leader and a commercial example, the issue of energy and corn production.

“We have to reach good agreements with Canada and the United States so that the energy issue wouldn´t be the problem, but on the contrary, that it helps us to strengthen this treaty,” he declared.

At the middle of the year, one of the requests of the United States government was that Mexico review its public policies in this matter, also joining the government of Canada. Until October, the United States had announced that these consultations were continuing.

The idea is that the three countries direct their policies and their governments towards clean and renewable energies; The controversy fell from the announcement by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador that he prioritizes the CFE office over private energy companies that already operate in the country.

Another topic, corn

The other issue, Valdez Solano said, is the conflict with corn, since 2020, the Mexican government had announced the gradual elimination of imported transgenic corn, calling for a new consultation by the US government.

“There is a disagreement, an issue with corn on the part of these countries, I think it has to be resolved and in a good way because the free trade agreement is more beneficial, we have to be very aware that this continues to work and works well” he commented.
