Ex Mazatlan Culture director leaves a financial mess and debts to suppliers


Overloaded payroll, overpriced floats and millionaire debt to suppliers have left chaos in the paramunicipal.

Mazatlán, Sinaloa.- After the departure of José Ángel Tostado Quevedo, the Municipal Institute of Culture, Tourism and Art of Mazatlán, did not leave healthy finances to the current administration headed by Raúl Rico González, due to the fact that he inherited a millionaire debt to suppliers, among other financial disorders.

It is already known that the paramunicipal exhausted its budget resource for this 2022, which was 120 million pesos, for a couple of months; It has subsisted through extraordinary contributions that the City Council has been making constantly, even requesting a budget increase of 42 million, which was not approved by the councilors due to the mismanagement of the former director.

It is not the first time that Rico González has assumed the reins of Culture in a family situation, but he does recognize that there are many challenges to work on, especially since the preparations for the Mazatlan International Carnival 2023 are already underway.

The carnival

Showy yes, expensive no, it will be the formula for the elaboration of floats; These, he said, used to cost 40,000 pesos and now they have risen to 800,000 pesos.

And about the artists who will attend the different coronations, he said there are some who are first class and can be financed.

We will seek to be austere in the realization of the maximum Mazatlan party, that does not cost so much to the municipal coffers, be as self-financed as possible with the help of sponsors but without detracting from the image of the Carnival, on the contrary, the challenge is level it up.

Payroll and providers

There are going to be big cuts in the payroll, he anticipated, in recent years it has almost tripled, generating an overload. For now, it will be a priority to ensure their payment and bonuses and then the issue of suppliers will be discussed; a debt of 46 million pesos is estimated.

Given this scenario, the first action of Raúl Rico González at the head of the paramunicipal will be to make an in-depth analysis of finances and make the most of what you have.

“It’s a long time, it will be complicated, but I know that there will be support to the extent of transparency, it will take time, it will not be overnight, we will have to build little by little brick by brick, “ he said.

The Mazatlan POst