Mazatlan’s Carnival may separate from the Institute of Culture

Before 2005, the Mazatlan International Carnival was organized by an organization called CODETUR

MAZATLAN.- A Board of Trustees could be in charge of organizing the International Carnival of Mazatlán, as reported by Mayor Édgar González Zataráin.

The mayor commented that the intention is to separate the Institute of Culture from the organization of the Carnival so that it is solely in charge of carrying out cultural events such as festivals.

“I want to tell you that we are in talks, it is not a fact but maybe next year we will separate it, that Culture is very independent of the Carnival issue, for the reason that it is difficult to find profiles that are in charge of both things or maybe that only one item is evoked and they neglect our identity, which is Carnival, we cannot detract from that issue”.

However, this proposal is not unreasonable because in the 1980s and 1990s, and even until 2006, the Mazatlan International Carnival was organized by the Mazatlan Tourism Promotion and Development Commission, CODETUR.

In 2006, the Institute of Culture, Tourism and Art of Mazatlan was formed and took charge of all logistics in the port.

The municipal president made it clear that this is not definitive, but he is in talks with various actors to define if the option is viable. He stressed that it will not be his decision alone but that he will take into account the opinion of all councilors, officials, and even businessmen.

“In fact, I am also going to meet with businessmen to take their opinion into account because it is the best we can do.”

New Director of Culture?

New changes have been revealed in recent days, but the Institute of Culture still does not have a director at the helm.

Given this, González Zatarain explained that he is still reviewing the profiles of the candidates because they must have the ability to handle the reins of the Institute. It is likely that in the next few days the director will be announced.

The Mazatlan Post