You’re invited to the first edition ‘Sabe Fest, Saber a Culiacán’ space that will merge local gastronomy, art and entertainment


Culiacán, Sinaloa.- Through the fusion between Culiacan gastronomy, art, culture and entertainment, the first edition of the “Sabe Fest, Knows Culiacán” will be held, an event that will bring together 50 kitchens led by entrepreneurs from the city, as well as local companies, activities that will be totally free for the attending public.

The appointment will be this coming Saturday, November 5, from 3:00 pm to 11:00 pm at the Parque Las Riberas facilities, by downloading a free ticket through the digital page ‘Guía de hoy’, a space that seeks to encourage Culichi talent in the culinary fields, and the healthy coexistence of families, reported Julia Monárrez, creator of the La Comadre platform.

For her part, the head of the Municipality’s Economic Development Secretariat, Janet Faviola Tostado Noriega, stressed that Sedecom supports local consumption through entrepreneurs in the municipality, which is why she said the doors are open for all those who require the accompaniment to trigger the growth of their businesses.

“In this first edition of the “Sabe Fest” it is an event where the gastronomic theme, music, art, talent, that is to say, everything good that Culiacán has, converges. Because our mayor has also instructed us a lot to activate actions like these to put an end to that cliché, that myth that Culiacán has, we need to continue showing that face of all the good that Culiacán has, “said the municipal official.

With the announcement of this event of the gastronomic turn, in which local artists and comedians participate, the Culiacán City Council in conjunction with the Las Riberas Park Administration, Sedecom, Canirac, Comadre Digital Platform, will reinforce the realization of this type of festivals, in which he will also train service providers with first aid techniques, first responder by the Municipal Civil Protection Coordination, all to safeguard the integrity of the attendees.

The Mazatlan Post