Mazatlan notaries participate on last will and testament month campaign


46 public notaries participate in the ‘Month of the Will’ campaign promoted by DIF Mazatlán; beneficiaries pay half the cost.

MAZATLÁN.- Until December, the benefits of the Last Will and Testament Month campaign will be extended, in which 46 public notaries participate, informed the general director of the Mazatlán DIF System, Brenda Borboa Sarabia. 

To obtain these benefits, the institution carries out a socioeconomic study that is carried out on the applicant, if they obtain the support, they will only pay 50% of the cost, that is, one thousand pesos instead of the two thousand that the procedure costs.  

“A notary public costs around 2,000 pesos, but this time and through DIF, through an approach they have with us and a study, the cost will be 1,000 pesos. So, it is the benefit that people are going to receive by doing it through our institution”, he explained.  

The official pointed out that the requirements to obtain the official letter or the document, through the Month of the Testament campaign, are a valid official identification, your CURP and proof of address. 

 For her part, the deputy director of Attention to the Elderly, Santa del Carmen Tirado Díaz, commented that since last Monday to date, 84 official letters have been issued from people who have come to request it to process their will, which means a good number compared to last year so no appointment is required. 

Those interested in the Month of the Testament campaign can go to Constitución Street #1029 in the Centro neighborhood, from 08:00 to 15:00, or ask for information at the office phone 6699 81 32 16. 

Notary 210, Av. Gabriel Ruiz #500, Fracc. El Dorado, Mazatlan, Sinaloa. ZIP 82110
Tel. 669 913 0632 
Monday to Friday
9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.

The Mazatlan Post