They managed to get out the window: Stranded cars and street closures, the ravages of the rains in Mazatlán


Mazatlán, Sinaloa.- The God Tláloc was not “fair” in Mazatlán, and for just over an hour and a half, torrential rain hit the north of the city causing the fall of up to 50 millimeters, while in the center and South of the port, the local Meteorological Service of the National Water Commission reported rainfall between 7 to 23 millimeters .

Lluvia de 65 mm la de este viernes en Mazatlán: PC

More rainy hours are predicted over the port of Mazatlan, so Civil Protection asks the population to stay safe, since the accumulated rainfall, according to Conagua, could reach 150 millimeters.

rasgos 22

Dozens of stranded vehicles, the call for help from some drivers and the cutting of sections of the city’s roads in different sectors, in addition to monitoring low-lying areas, due to the growth of streams near human settlements, This is what Civil Protection registers in Mazatlán so far, in the face of the torrential rain this Friday.

65 mm

Eloy Ruiz Gastélum, coordinator of the agency at the port, indicated that in the case of some people they managed to get out of a car window, when the unit was stranded in the middle of the water, which adds up to more than two hours of constant precipitation. 

“One of them was there in Don Chonita, another was in Mañanitas, one was in Real del Valle, two in Francisco Villa, one in Hacienda del Seminario, but until now all have been without news; Cars stranded at different points have prevailed, and the road police are taking charge of the corresponding cuts and road closures at different points, just like us, right now there has been no need for any evacuation,” he explained. .

The Civil Protection coordinator asked the population that, if they do not need to leave the house, they remain sheltered, since the Conagua forecasts for the next few hours is that the heavy rains will continue, where some estimates range from 65 to 150 millimeters that would be accumulating in the area. 

Closures such as the Marina, at the height of the El Toreo subdivision, as well as Insurgentes, continuing to the Camarón lagoon in Flamingos, are the ones that have been registered, in addition to ordering the suspension of traffic on the Camarón-Sábalo, in the Golden zone , since the water level has increased with the rains of these last few hours.

The Mazatlan Post