Do you want to save lives? learn how to process your donor card in Mexico

The president of Asociación Ale Mazatlán, Verónica Olvera, specified that one person can save and help up to a thousand people.

MAZATLAN. – Did you know that when a person dies and donates his organs, he can save up to a thousand lives? That is the importance of having a culture of donation.  

But did you know that there are two types of donation? The president of the Ale Mazatlán Association, Verónica Olvera, specified that there are two forms: tacit and express. 

Tacit donation is when a possible donor or donor has not stated in a document the refusal so that after his death, his organs are used for transplantation. The aforementioned consent will be necessary to obtain it from the following persons who are present: the spouse, the concubine, the concubine, the descendants, the ascendants, the siblings, the adopted, or the adopter. If more than one of the aforementioned persons is present, the corresponding priority will be applied according to the level of kinship. 

On the other hand, an express donation is the action of expressing in writing or verbally, the will to donate their organs in life or after their death. It will be considered a broad donation when it refers to the total disposition of the body or limited when it is only granted with respect to certain components. 

What organs can be donated? 

The organs that can be donated are the kidneys, liver, heart, pancreas, stomach, intestine, and lungs. In addition, much-needed tissues such as bone, corneas, and heart valves can also be obtained from a donation. 

Now, to be a voluntary donor of organs and tissues, anyone can consult the website of the National Transplant Center: or visit the IMSS page in the link: http:/ / , in order to register the data to be accredited as a donor. 

Some information that will be requested to carry out your registration are: 

• Name 


• Place of residence. 

• Email. 

Steps to process the donor card

If, in addition to registering as a voluntary donor, you wish to obtain the official format, to express your express consent, which cannot be revoked by any third party, you can request your card as a donor. 

This voluntary organ and tissue donation card allows you to express in writing the desire to be a donor and encourages dialogue with your family. 

You can obtain it through the Voluntary Donor Registry at


The Mazatlan Post