“Bichis Beach, what for?” In Altata, nudism is already practiced on occasion


The trustee of Altata referred to the proposal of deputy Serapio Vargas to officially establish a nudist beach in Navolato; “If people accept it, go ahead with the project,” he said.

Culiacán, Sinaloa.- Many citizens of the port of Altata are in favor and others are against the proposal to create a Nudist Beach, which is contemplated to be named ‘ Bichis beach ‘, “but if the population accepts it Go ahead with the project”, affirmed the trustee of Altata, Roberto García Lara.

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He specified that everything that is an economic benefit for Altata will be convenient for the population, but in time it will be decided if this project proposed by the deputy of Morena Serapio Vargas Ramírez becomes a reality or not. 

“People, many are in favor and many are against, but since there has always been a nudist beach, it wouldn’t be something that people would reprimand or something, without there being a nudist beach there on the esplanade, the women, the girls from time to time when,” he said.

García Lara pointed out that carrying out a popular consultation for the realization or not of the Nudist Beach has not yet been valued, arguing that at the time it will be decided what the process to follow will be.

The Mazatlan Post