The styrofoam used in the construction of Mazatlan towers polluting its beaches

The Beach Operator says that since it is very thin, the wind pulls it to the Cerritos beach area and it has to be sifted to collect it; We have already spoken with construction companies.

Mazatlán, Sinaloa.- The construction of condominium towers in the Sábalo Cerritos area is contaminated with the Styrofoam that flies from the top of the works to the beach area, warned the director of the Administrator and Operator of Beaches, Roberto Terrones Cuts.

He explained that as Styrofoam is very thin and light, the wind pulls it and on the beaches, they are with sifters trying to capture it as much as possible.

“ In Playa Brujas there we see a good amount, as there are some constructions that are being carried out, we have already asked the builders to be careful and they have taken precautions, they have taken some measures, the construction companies have responded very well and the citizens are supporting us quite a lot because they are very interested in the beaches always being kept clean, ”said the municipal official.

Terrones Cortés said that in the case of Playa Pintos, the concessionaires have applied to keep it always clean and in Playa Norte, the fishermen themselves are contributing.

The Director of the Operator and Administrator of Beaches highlighted that they currently have a very good response from the citizens in keeping the beaches clean.

“ We have detected that a large number of people have begun to become aware of what it means to leave garbage on the beach, and we have seen with great pleasure that people are changing, they are very few, because it has been changing, the let them leave their garbage, ”he said.


The Mazatlan Post