Construction of the New Sea of ​​Cortez Aquarium, nearing completion


The project is planned at one thousand 545 million 600 thousand pesos, to date one thousand million have been invested and it is expected to be opened to the public in the second half of September

Mazatlan, Sinaloa. – The executive director of the new Mar de Cortez Aquarium, Rafael Lizárraga Favela, announced that the new tourist attraction in Mazatlan is approximately 74 percent complete and its inauguration is expected after September 15.

“We hope to finish the work for the month of July, we are in accordance with what was planned for the opening in the second half of September of this year according to our work plan and we have an advance of approximately 74 percent,” he confirmed.

Lizárraga Favela, commented that what is now life support has been placed, which is one of the most important elements of life, and progress is being made in the installation of acrylics, which is almost 85 percent complete.

“It is a very considerable advance and we are about to start the installation of what is the internal decoration of each of the peseras, which consists of structures that are known as rockeries and corals and that come to decorate each of the decorations,” he said.

The federal official said that, with the visit of the secretary of Tourism of the federal government, Miguel Torruco Marqués, to the new attraction scheduled for tomorrow, he will verify the progress that has been made regarding the construction of the new Aquarium.

He explained that, although the project, in general, is planned at 3 thousand 545 million 600 thousand pesos, to date it has been invested, however, at the moment only one thousand million pesos have been applied.


The Mazatlan Post