Mazatlán’s Isla de la Piedra to Barron rural tourism circuit will receive support


With tourist circuits, the port will have an integral development; this year it is expected to generate one from Barrón to Isla de la Piedra

Mazatlan, Sinaloa.- In order to strengthen the economy of rural areas, and support an increase in the average stay of tourism in Mazatlan, tourist circuits will be strengthened.

The Secretary of Economic Development, Tourism and Fisheries of Mazatlan, Ricardo Velarde Cárdenas, stated that in the first stage of forming circuits it is to generate attractions and promote development, after communities interested in having promotional support have approached the Offices.

Isla de la Piedra, lo mejor que hacer en Mazatlán, Sinaloa

I exemplify that El Quelite is a success story for many years, and without a doubt, it has been an example of rural tourism at the national level, and the El Habal-La Noria circuit gives a great example of coordination in the community and is sought to be replicated.

” Not everything is El Quelite or La Noria, in the community of Barrón the impulse is sought so that, together with the Isla de la Piedra, a circuit is created in which visitors spend a pleasant day in this area of ​​the town, in the which you can exploit the mouth of the river and the gastronomy, different from what is offered in the north, “he said.

He stressed that gastronomy is undoubtedly something that they are pushing a lot in the rescue of the traditional kitchens of the community and the state and that Barrón in particular has a natural mouth, which has a natural beauty that we want to start rescuing.

The head of Sedectur mentioned that taking as an example the case of El Quelite, and now La Noria, they currently hold meetings to generate a circuit towards El Recodo and Veranos, where the ecotourism that an individual has undertaken is promoted, in addition to the El Quelite circuit towards El Quemado and the Tropic of Cancer.

” It could be at the end of the year when the one from Barrón to Isla de la Piedra is established, in which gastronomy undoubtedly plays an important role in order to generate more offer to tourists who visit Mazatlan, there are even businessmen interested in developing this area , which would generate jobs for the inhabitants,” he concluded.


The Mazatlan Post